Operation ReConnect’s is hosting military service members and their families from all over the U.S. for a full week of time together on our beautiful Gulf Coast Beaches. After returning from a multiple-month overseas Combat Deployment, the reintergration of a family in critical. After testing this “large group” scenario in 2018 during “Fighter Wing Week”, we learned how important this week is for each and every family that has the opportunity to participate. Having served more than 50 families during “Fighter Wing Week”, we are eager to apply what was learned past experiences and apply it to our “ReConnect Week - Fall 2022” scheduled for November 5 - 12 AND December 17-24, 2022.

With the continuous support we receive from the City of Orange Beach along with many local businesses, our pride and support for those who sacrifice so much to keep the United States of America safe will be on full display. Please join our efforts to welcome these families to Orange Beach, Alabama on check-in day.

The Operation ReConnect Team can not do this alone. Over the past five (5) years, Operation ReConnect has worked seamlessly with both individuals and rental management companies to bring close to 1,000 military families to our beautiful beaches in Southern Alabama & Northwest FL. The 'gift of time' we provide to our service-members and their families upon returning from overseas, is exactly what every family desires: TIME TOGETHER. This no-strings attached time, allows for families to have the opportunity to relax and reintegrate on their terms. Whether you are a Post 9/11 Combat Veteran, Coastal Property Owner, Property Management Company, a local business or just an individual who would like to get involved: There are a wide-ranging assortment of opportunities to engage. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have an idea or suggestion that will enhance this experience for the military families we serve.

To register as a Post 9/11 Combat Veteran for “ReConnect Week - Fall 2022”, please use the above ‘Veteran Application’ link.

To donate your coastal property for use during “ReConnect Week - Fall 2022”, please use the above ‘Donate My Property’ link.

To donate business services, gift cards or other discounts to “ReConnect Families”, please use the above ‘Business Donations’ link.

Proud community Supporters & corporate Sponsors for

“ReConnect Week - Fall 2022” include:


Coastal Property Owners & Rental Managers ……..

are the spark that ignites the fire! Once you or your authorized representative decide to donate your property to Operation ReConnect’s program, the process from start to finish is quite simple.

The first step is to complete our user-friendly form (link below) and provide us minor details about your property; bedrooms, bathrooms, occupancy, location, etc.

PREVIOUS RECONNECT WEEK Press Relase from The City of Orange Beach, Alabama (01/30/2020)


Yes, it’s that simple……. Ok, what about the fees???

Operation ReConnect is fully prepared and able to cover any housekeeping, parking or other auxiliary fees associated with your generous donation of the property. Many owners chose to pay for the fees themselves to claim available tax-deductions. Please consult a CPA or Tax Attorney regarding your specific scenario.

The ability to measure our Program and your selfless property donation can be difficult at times. Instead of us trying to describe the impact your property donation may have, please read some of the testimonials directly from our families and a letter we received from a veteran shortly after hosting “Fighter Wing Week” in 2018:

Klein Family Thank You Scan of Letter Cropped.jpg

We will keep this very simple…………. #1 - Are you a Post 9/11 Combat Veteran? #2 - Do you and your family need Time Together in a beautiful Gulf Coast location? #3 - Are you available either:

Saturday, NOVEMBER 5-12, 2022 or Saturday, DECEMBER 17-24, 2022? If you answered YES , you are in the right place!

In May of 2018, Operation ReConnect (with support from The City of Orange Beach and many other community partners) had the honor of hosting more than 50 military families who were just reunited after a multi-month deployment to Afghanistan. The overwhelmingly positive response we received from the families we served and the community members who participated has led us to make the decision to continue this effort!

It is with gratitude that we are officially announcing “ReConnect Week - Fall 2022”. This 7-night, completely uninterrupted time (no briefings or sales pitches of any-kind) with your family is scheduled to take place in November 2022 & December 2022.

It is our organizational goal to bring as many military families as possible to the City of Orange beach and surrounding communities.

If you are interested and will be available for either of our “Fall ReConnect Week’s”, please complete the “ReConnect Week - Veteran Registration Form” link below. Once your information is received, you will receive a registration response with further details. FULL DISCLOSURE: Our selection process is based several variables with the “Date Returned” carrying the most weight. The most recent returning deployers (within the last 12 months) always have priority in the Operation ReConnect program.


Business Donations can only be described as the extra bit of magic that our family’s don’t see coming!

The value of putting a smile on a childs face….. is priceless

Whether you have the ability to donate an entire service or a percentage (%) discount, Operation ReConnect and our families truly appreciate your generosity. Our mission is based around providing our military families with 100% no-strings attached, no-cost lodging for a FULL 7-nights. Adding outdoor recreational activities, entertainment, meals or even natural/historic landmarks provides our families with an unmatched opportunity to truly experience the Alabama & NW Florida Gulf Coast.

We are available to discuss your ideas, thoughts or suggestions. Please reach out to us by completing the form below: